8 Vegan-Friendly, Celebrity-Authored Books Perfect for Your Reading List

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As summer winds down, many of us find solace in the simple pleasure of a good book as we prepare for the transition to fall. Get ready to be uplifted by a beautiful array of celebrity-authored plant-based food and activism books. 

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These books are incredibly inspiring—platforms for influential figures to share the benefits of plant-based foods and speak up for animals. From personal experiences and insight to delicious plant-based recipes, they motivate and enlighten others. Here are 10 celebrity plant-based food and animal-activism books worth adding to your reading list.

Sesame, Soy, Spice by Remy Morimoto Park

Sesame, Soy, Spice is a lovely, motivating book that spotlights easy-to-make plant-based versions of international and Asian-inspired dishes. By transforming her favorite comfort foods into new culinary experiences, Remy has improved her relationship with food, a crucial part of her recovery from addiction and disordered eating. This journey also led her to explore vegan diets within her cultural backgrounds, such as Korean temple food, Japanese Buddhist cuisine, and Taiwanese faux meats.

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The Solutionary Way by Zoe Weil

Our society’s extreme division hinders our ability to work together to solve the problems we face. The Solutionary Way presents a practical strategy, offering straightforward and attainable techniques to overcome differences, understand and tackle seemingly insurmountable challenges, and bring about constructive transformation.

Plant You Scrappy Cooking by Carleigh Bodrug

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Scrappy is not a manual of minimal-waste tips that you casually browse from time to time. Instead, Scrappy is a comprehensive recipe book containing over 150 recipes that demonstrate how to maximize the use of your food, eat more healthily, save money, and minimize waste.

I Did a New Thing by Tabitha Brown

In I Did a New Thing, Tabitha Brown recounts personal anecdotes and those of others while offering supportive advice and motivation to bring about amazing transformations in your own life. Whether it’s starting a difficult discussion, striving for a career advancement, or simply opting for different attire, Tab has a strategy for you: Attempt one new activity every day for 30 days.

How to Argue with a Meat Eater by Ed Winters

How to Argue with a Meat Eater will guide you in developing your debating skills through the strategies of famous vegan educator Ed Winters. Additionally, it will equip you with compelling evidence and perspectives that will make even the most dedicated meat eater stop and think. You will take away the information you need to improve your conversational skills and analytical thinking, as well as the inspiration to foster a more ethical, compassionate, and sustainable world.

JoyFull: Cook Effortlessly, Eat Freely, Live Radiantly by Radhi Devlukia-Shetty

Joyfull aims to balance health and satisfaction with 125+ plant-based recipes. Radhi’s diverse dishes bring bold flavors to all mealtimes and make use of readily available ingredients. Radhi also provides insight into her daily wellness habits, including her invigorating morning skincare regimen, age-old practices for nurturing and fortifying hair, mindfulness exercises, and breathing techniques to guide you through the day.

Cooking with Nonna: Classic Italian Recipes with a Plant-based Twist by Giuseppe Federici

Italian Cooking with Nonna presents timeless dishes to satisfy any yearning for delectable Italian cuisine. Giuseppe offers over 80 of his and his nonna’s finest recipes: Classic Lasagna; Nonna’s Arancini; Ultimate Tomato Sauce, Pasta Aglio Olio e Peperoncino; Focaccia; Tiramisu; Coffee Granita; Biscotti, and many more. This exquisite cookbook honors traditional Italian home cooking and the delight of plant-based meals.

And get ready for an amazing book coming this fall!

I Love You: Recipes from the Heart by Pamela Anderson

I Love You, Pamela Anderson’s first cookbook, exudes a welcoming and inclusive vibe. Her homegrown and globally influenced recipes demonstrate that cooking exclusively with vegetables can be both extravagant and comforting. I Love You offers a delightful and captivating assortment of over 80 recipes that will nourish your soul.

Whether you’re looking for practical tips, personal stories, or mouthwatering recipes, these books will surely engage, educate, and empower you on your journey toward more compassionate and sustainable food choices. 

Looking for more plant-based tips? Download our FREE How to Eat Veg guide filled with delicious vegan recipes and great advice. You can also take our pledge to choose plant-based foods for seven days and discover the impact you can make simply by eating more kindly.

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