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2 min read
The U.S. has suspended all shipments of monkeys from Cambodia following indictments by the U.S. Department of Justice against Cambodian government officials and nationals for allegedly abducting monkeys from their forest homes but claiming they were born in captivity so they could sell them to experimenters around the world. However, Canadian officials continue to allow laboratory-bound monkeys from Cambodia into their country. Please take action today to urge Canada to end its involvement in this corrupt and dangerous industry.
PETA Sends Canadian Prime Minister Greeting Card With Compelling Message
February 29, 2024
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Canadian officials have received greeting cards embedded with PETA’s shocking video “Monkey Trafficking in 60 Seconds Flat” as well as a letter urging them to act immediately to end their country’s involvement in the horrific primate-importation pipeline—beginning with monkeys who originated in Cambodia.

PETA’s New Ad Hits the Streets of Montréal
September 20, 2023
PETA is plastering stark new ads throughout Montréal calling out Canadian officials for enabling the deadly Cambodian monkey-importation industry—even after the U.S. halted such imports and indicted Cambodian government officials for passing off wild-caught monkeys as captive-bred. The ads have appeared at 33 bus stops throughout the city as well as in newspapers Le Devoir, The Suburban, and the Montreal Gazette.