Celebrating 130 Years of Purina – UBTAC

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Celebrating 130 Years of Purina: A Legacy of Dependability and Excellence in Hog Feeds

For over 130 years, Purina has stood as a trusted name in the animal nutrition industry, particularly for hog feeds. This storied history is a testament to the brand’s unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and the farming community. With the backing of Cargill and its acquisition of various international top brands, Purina continues to grow in corporate size and proprietary trade secrets, ensuring top-quality and high-performance products. Farmers worldwide have come to rely on Purina, and as a token of gratitude, the brand remains committed to making its products affordable, especially in times of need.

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A Legacy of Quality and Innovation

Purina’s 130-year legacy is built on a foundation of trust and dependability. The brand’s commitment to quality has never wavered, and this dedication is reflected in every bag of Purina Hog Feeds. By leveraging the latest in proprietary technologies and trade secrets acquired through Cargill’s extensive network of international top brands, Purina ensures that its products remain at the forefront of animal nutrition.

These proprietary technologies are meticulously developed to enhance feed quality, ensure optimal nutrient delivery, and promote the overall health and performance of hogs. Purina’s unique nutrient optimization system, for example, balances essential nutrients precisely, ensuring that hogs receive the maximum benefit from every bite. This leads to healthier animals, improved growth rates, and better feed conversion ratios, ultimately contributing to the success of farming operations.

A Commitment to Affordability and Farmer Support

Purina’s confidence in its products’ quality is unwavering, and this is matched by its commitment to making these products affordable. This affordability is not just a business strategy but a heartfelt thanksgiving to the ever-growing farms that place their trust in Purina. The brand understands the challenges that farmers face, particularly in the wake of the African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak that devastated many farms.

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Purina’s commitment to helping farmers recover from such crises is evident in its continuous support and affordable pricing. By providing top-quality feeds at reasonable prices, Purina helps farmers rebuild their herds, improve the health and productivity of their livestock, and ultimately produce the best quality meat. This dedication to farmer support ensures that day by day, more farmers choose Purina for their livestock nutrition needs.

Backed by Uybontiong Agriventures Corp.: Serving Cebu, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor

Purina’s reach and impact are further extended by its partnership with Uybontiong Agriventures Corp., the dedicated distributor for Cebu, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor. This collaboration ensures that farmers in these regions have access to Purina’s top-quality hog feeds and the support they need to thrive. Uybontiong Agriventures’ commitment to serving the islands aligns perfectly with Purina’s mission to help farmers grow their farms and produce the best quality meat.

Together, Purina and Uybontiong Agriventures Corp, work hand in hand with the farming community, providing the products, support, and resources necessary for success. This partnership underscores the shared goal of thriving together, fostering a stronger, more resilient agricultural community.

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A Future of Growth and Prosperity

As Purina celebrates 130 years of excellence, the brand looks to the future with optimism and a steadfast commitment to innovation, quality, and farmer support. The continuous growth in corporate size and proprietary trade secrets through Cargill’s acquisitions ensures that Purina will remain a leader in the animal nutrition industry.

Farmers who choose Purina can do so with confidence, knowing that they are providing their animals with the best possible nutrition. This not only supports the health and growth of their livestock but also contributes to more sustainable and efficient farming practices. Purina’s ongoing commitment to affordability and farmer support ensures that together, the farming community will thrive.


Purina’s 130 years of experience and dependability are a testament to the brand’s unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and the farming community. With the backing of Cargill and its acquisition of international top innovations, Purina continues to grow and improve, providing top-quality hog feeds that farmers can trust. The partnership with Uybontiong Agriventure further strengthens Purina’s presence and support in Cebu, Negros Oriental, and Siquijor. As we look to the future, Purina remains dedicated to helping farmers recover, grow, and thrive, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable agricultural community. Together, we thrive!

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