Dodging Bombs and Daring Rescues—Don’t Miss the Latest Video From Ukraine

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PETA-supported rescuers from Animal Rescue Kharkiv (ARK) rushed to the heavily battered city of Chasiv Yar, Ukraine, to evacuate eight dogs who’d miraculously survived ongoing attacks in the area. Watch the team work with compassionate locals to recover the animals:

The eleventh-hour rescue was accomplished at dusk, during the quietest time of the day. The rescuers recovered two dogs who had survived a direct hit on their home. Three other dogs were saved by a local woman, who protected them from being killed under fire. One local man led the team on a bicycle to recover a German shepherd found in a yard next to a burned-down house.

Thanks to ARK and other kind humans, these rescued animals are all safely recovering and will be put up for adoption.

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How to Help Animals in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, PETA Germany and its partners have saved more than 16,500 cats, dogs, horses, and other animals. This vital work wouldn’t be possible without contributions from compassionate individuals like you.

Please, give what you can today to help animals in desperate need:

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