Fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus) are medium-sized wildcats uniquely adapted to life in wetlands and mangrove forests across South and Southeast Asia, including India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.
Despite their remarkable adaptations, fishing cats face numerous threats that jeopardize their survival.
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, fishing cats often find themselves in direct conflict with humans due to shrinking wetlands and expanding villages. As their natural habitats disappear, these elusive creatures venture closer to human settlements, leading to tragic encounters. A study by Dhaka University’s Zoology Department revealed that conflicts between fishing cats and humans occur every two weeks, with over half of these encounters resulting in the death of a cat, Mongabay News reports.
Fear drives these killings. Locals often mistake fishing cats for tigers and feel threatened. Social pressure and the desire for revenge for livestock losses, usually caused by other animals, further fuel these conflicts.
Professor M.A. Aziz from Jahangirnagar University told Mongabay News that fear and social obligation to kill fishing cats contribute significantly to their declining numbers.
The Impact of Habitat Loss
Fishing cats’ habitats are rapidly disappearing due to human activities. Asia lost 32% of its natural wetlands between 1970 and 2015, primarily due to agriculture, aquaculture, and palm oil plantations, Forbes reports.
In Sri Lanka, fishing cats have adapted to urban environments, even fishing in the koi ponds of Colombo’s residents. However, this proximity to humans brings new threats, such as roadkill and disease transmission from domestic animals, Mongabay reports.
Ashan Thudugala, co-founder of Small Cat Advocacy and Research, told Mongabay News that urban habitats may act as “ecological traps” for fishing cats, exposing them to numerous dangers.

Conservation Efforts and Challenges
Despite the bleak outlook, there are concerted efforts to protect fishing cats and their habitats. Tiasa Adhya, co-founder of The Fishing Cat Project in India, has been a pioneer in raising awareness about these cats and their importance to wetland ecosystems. Her work has led to the fishing cat being declared the state animal of West Bengal and recognized as a protected species.
In Bangladesh, Project Fishing Cat Bangladesh, founded in 2012, focuses on educating locals about the importance of fishing cats and implementing solutions to reduce human-cat conflicts. These efforts include predator-proof enclosures and community engagement programs Mongabay News reports.
Similar initiatives are underway across the cat’s range, from mangrove reforestation projects in Cambodia to conservation efforts in Nepal’s densely populated Tarai region, according to the Nepali Times.

The Role of Wetlands in Conservation
The survival of fishing cats is intricately linked to the health of wetlands. These ecosystems provide vital services such as carbon sequestration, storm protection, and biodiversity support. Conservationists argue that protecting fishing cats can also help safeguard these critical habitats.
In West Bengal’s Dankuni wetland complex, for instance, the fishing cat’s presence has been instrumental in securing legal protection for the area Mongabay reports.
In Odisha’s Chilika Lake, a Ramsar site, the fishing cat serves as an ambassador species, drawing attention to the need for wetland conservation. Adhya and her colleagues work with local communities to monitor fishing cat populations and promote environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

A Call to Action
Fishing cats play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of wetlands. Their presence indicates a healthy environment, essential for both wildlife and human communities. However, to ensure their survival, it is imperative to address the threats they face from habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, and climate change.
Conservationists emphasize the need for increased awareness and community involvement. Empowering local populations to protect these cats and their habitats can lead to sustainable conservation solutions.
As Adhya told Mongabay News, “The entire bigger vision is to link the healthy wetlands to fishing cat conservation and human sustenance.”
The plight of the fishing cat is a stark reminder of the broader challenges facing wildlife conservation in the 21st century. By protecting these remarkable cats and the wetlands they call home, we not only preserve biodiversity but also secure vital ecosystem services for future generations.
This article by Matthew Russell was first published by The Animal Rescue Site. Lead Image: PHOTO: ADOBE STOCK / SLOWMOTIONGLI – FISHING CATS ARE FACING EXTINCTION DUE TO RAPID HABITAT LOSS.
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