Levucell® SB – nutriNews, la revista de nutrición animal

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A broad action all along the digestive tract:

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1. Stabilization of the intestinal microbiota.
2. Improvement of gut integrity.
3. Modulation of the animal’s natural defenses.

Can be used in pigs at every stage of production (sows, suckling and weaned piglets, growing and fattening pigs).


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  • sow’s peri-partum challenges: improved transit, digestive comfort, farrowing
  • process, colostrum quality piglet quality at birth: vitality, microbiota establishment.
  • lactation and litter performance: feed intake weaning transition: improved gut function and maturity.
  • fattening pigs performance: FCR, growth, heat stress situations

Backed up by 50 years of research in human nutrition, more than 60 scientific publications in swine feeding and 30 years of experience in the field.

Benefits from the TITAN technology, a patented coating process to protect the live yeast cells during pelleting conditions.

Contains the specific live yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079.

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A live yeast strain specific for monogastrics extensively documented for its beneficial effects in pigs.

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