Mercy For Animals Establishes Headquarters in Malaysia

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Introducing Mercy For Animals Malaysia Bhd.! 

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Our team is growing—Mercy For Animals has just opened an office in Malaysia that will serve as our Southeast Asia headquarters. Malaysia offers a promising environment for advancing our vision of a world where animals are respected, protected, and free.

Why Southeast Asia?

Southeast Asia’s emergence as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and populations is marked by a dramatic rise in raising and slaughtering animals for food. Malaysia in particular has one of the highest rates of meat consumption per capita in the region. The escalating demand for meat and other animal products bodes grimly for animal welfare, the environment, food security, and human health. 

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Mercy For Animals has established a presence in Malaysia to help tackle these challenges, starting with awareness raising; organizing programs aimed at building momentum toward a plant-based food system; and education, engagement, and advocacy to drive social change.

In 2019, the Global Vegan Index ranked Malaysia the world’s fifth-most vegan-friendly travel destination—demonstrating tremendous opportunity in the area! 

Mercy For Animals’ Global Team

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Mercy For Animals currently maintains offices in Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, and the United States—and we are so excited to welcome Malaysia to the team! Get breaking news, take action, and more by following all our regions on social media. 

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