PETA Crashes the 2024 Republican National Convention

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PETA’s “mouse” mascot—bearing the message “Save Me and $22 Billion: End Animal Experiments!”—made a big squeak at the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Check out these photos of the mouse in action at the 2024 Republican National Convention:

Mouse protests National Institutes of Health at RNC

In June, our mouse mascot attended the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle in Atlanta. In August, this righteous “rodent” will crash the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

mouse protesting NIH at presidential debate

PETA’s mouse supports ending wasteful spending by the National Institutes of Health.

This agency squanders nearly half its annual budget on animal experiments—even though 90% of basic research, most of which involves animals, fails to lead to effective treatments for humans and 95% of new drugs that test safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials, sometimes causing serious side effects such as anaphylaxis or even death.

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The National Institutes of Health throws away public funds to prop up a broken system that wastes critical time and money harming animals in worthless experiments that benefit only the grantees.

Support PETA’s Research Modernization Deal

Experiments on animals have continued for decades with little oversight and no human-relevant results.

We urge all candidates and officials to support redirecting taxpayer funds to cutting-edge, non-animal research that could actually yield treatments and cures for humans.

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Note: PETA supports animal rights and opposes all forms of animal exploitation and educates the public on those issues. PETA does not directly or indirectly participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office or any political party.

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