The following statement regarding the Ontario ag-gag ruling may be attributed to PJ Nyman, Corporate Engagement Manager, Canada of Mercy For Animals:
“In a momentous victory for transparency and accountability, Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice has struck down a provincial “ag-gag” law, supporting whistleblowers and journalists who expose animal cruelty in Canada’s factory farms. Mercy For Animals wholeheartedly supports this ruling, which challenges dubious attempts to pass unconstitutional anti-whistleblower legislation.
These laws have been found unconstitutional in six U.S. states and now in Ontario, making it the first Canadian province to do so. This decision marks a significant milestone in preventing animal industries from evading accountability and transparency through legislation, and underscores Mercy For Animals’ unwavering advocacy for animal welfare in factory farming.”
– PJ Nyman, Corporate Engagement Manager, Canada of Mercy For Animals