The Role of Phytogenics in Poultry Nutrition

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of animal nutrition, the use of natural products, particularly phytogenics, has gained significant attention for their potential to enhance animal health and productivity. At the forefront of this innovation is Nuproxa, a company dedicated to developing natural feed additives derived from plant extracts.

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During the recent European Poultry Congress, nutriNews International had the opportunity to speak with Cinta Sol, Product Manager for Nuproxa, about the company’s groundbreaking work in poultry nutrition, particularly focusing on their product Nuxasan. In this interview, Cinta discusses the company’s expansion, recent research findings, and the future of phytogenics in animal production.

nutriNews International: Hello, and welcome to all our audience at nutriNews International. We are very happy to be part of the European Poultry Congress, and we’re here with Cinta Sol, Product Manager for Nuproxa. Cinta, it’s very nice to have you with us.

Cinta Sol: Hello, how are you? Thank you for the invitation.

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