Upcoming special issue: Urban Wildlife

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Submitted by editor on 4 October 2023.

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Photo by Ilse Storch.

Urban Wildlife

Editor: Ilse Storch, EiC


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As urban areas expand, wildlife is increasingly utilizing these new habitats, showcasing remarkable adaptations that enable them to thrive in human-made environments. Nevertheless, conflicts are prevalent. A comprehensive understanding of both the ecological and human aspects of urban wildlife is essential for effective wildlife management.

This special issue seeks contributions that delve into wildlife’s adaptation to urban environments and their interactions with humans, as well as the human perception of and engagement with these wild neighbors. We invite authors to submit research articles, short communications, reviews, methods, or viewpoint pieces encompassing topics related to wildlife ecology and behavior in urban settings, the human dimensions of urban wildlife, and experiences in urban wildlife management.

Questions? Email me [at] wildlifebiology [dot] org

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Submissions open 1 April 2024.




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