Chickens Need Your Help! Hold AVI Foodsystems Accountable

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Of the more than 80 billion land animals killed for food each year worldwide, 82% are chickens. And chickens are not only raised and slaughtered in alarming numbers—they suffer some of the cruelest farming and slaughter practices.

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Bred to Suffer

Most chickens used for meat are selectively bred to grow unnaturally large abnormally fast to maximize the meat industry’s profits. This results in “Frankenchickens”—birds who grow so large so quickly that many are unable to support their weight, struggle to reach food and water, and suffer from an array of health problems, including heart disease. 

No animal deserves such agony. After enduring short lives full of pain and stress, most chickens meet their deaths through cruel live-shackle slaughter at only six to seven weeks old. 

*Typical slaughter facility

AVI Foodsystems Promised to Do Better 

In 2017, AVI Foodsystems, which caters for Juilliard, Wellesley College, Sarah Lawrence College, and several other well-known institutions, vowed to ban the worst cruelty from its chicken supply chain by 2024. Sadly, despite its fast-approaching end-of-year deadline, the foodservice provider has failed to show progress or a plan, leaving the public wondering whether the company has abandoned its commitment. AVI Foodsystems is falling behind the many companies demonstrating transparency on this issue, including Parkhurst Dining, Lessing’s Hospitality, and Elior North America. 

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*Typical factory farm

Transparency Matters

AVI Foodsystems claims to be “committed to food sourcing practices with the utmost integrity and accountability.” But the company’s silence and lack of transparency suggest otherwise. That is why Mercy For Animals and dedicated supporters are calling on the company to share how it plans to fulfill its pledge.

It’s high time that companies like AVI Foodsystems played their part in creating a kinder and more transparent food system. 

Take Action 

We must put our voices together and show AVI Foodsystems that promising to do better for animals is not enough—it must also follow through. 

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Fill out the form at to urge AVI Foodsystems to publish progress and a plan for meeting its chicken welfare goals. 

And don’t forget—the most powerful way to help animals is to leave them off our plates.

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