Sentinel Piglets – UBTAC – Animal Nutrition Center

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Sentinel Piglets: Guardians Against the Shadow of ASF

African Swine Fever (ASF), a highly contagious and deadly disease ravaging pig populations worldwide, leaves farms devastated and livelihoods shattered. But hope emerges in the form of sentinel piglets, playing a crucial role in the fight against this disease.

What are sentinel piglets?

Imagine healthy piglets placed on an ASF-affected farm after thorough cleaning and disinfection. These brave souls, known as sentinel piglets, act as living biosensors, susceptible to the virus if it still lingers. They are closely monitored for 40 days, a period long enough for ASF symptoms to manifest if the virus is present.

Why are they important?

  • Early detection: Sentinel piglets act as an early warning system. If they fall ill, it signifies the presence of the virus, prompting immediate action to prevent further outbreaks.
  • Safe repopulation: A farm declared ASF-free after the successful sentinel period paves the way for safe repopulation with healthy pigs, reviving livelihoods and restoring food security.
  • Reduced economic impact: Early detection and swift responses minimize the economic losses caused by widespread outbreaks.

The procedures:

  1. Pre-sentinel period: After depopulation and disinfection, the farm undergoes a strict 40-day quarantine.
  2. Selection of sentinel piglets: Healthy piglets, sourced from ASF-free areas and tested negative for the virus, are chosen.
  3. Introduction and monitoring: Piglets are introduced to the farm and closely monitored for clinical signs of ASF, temperature changes, and behavior alterations.
  4. Diagnostic testing: At the end of the 40 days, blood samples are collected for ASF-specific antibody and antigen testing.
  5. Decision-making: Based on the monitoring and testing results, the farm is declared ASF-free or requires further investigation.

The ethical considerations:

Using sentinel animals raises ethical concerns about their well-being. It’s crucial to ensure their comfort, minimize stress, and provide proper care throughout the process. Additionally, responsible disposal of potentially infected animals is essential.

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A beacon of hope:

Sentinel piglets, while small, play a vital role in the fight against ASF. By acting as early detectors and paving the way for safe re-population, they offer hope for affected communities and contribute significantly to global efforts in controlling this devastating disease.

Remember: This blog is for informational purposes only. Always consult with qualified professionals for specific guidance and implementation of ASF control measures. We at Uybontiong Agriventures Corp. and Cargill-Purina are willing to assist you in reviving your lost livelihood and build back your piggeries better. We can help you provide 360 protection for your farms: effective disinfectants, anti-asf feeds, and technical support.

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