The Great Ally for Respiratory Relief & Heat Stress Reduction

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30 Apr 2024

BronchoVest – The Great Ally for Respiratory Relief & Heat Stress Reduction

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There are countless challenges in poultry farming, regardless of the production phase, in biochem-leva-solucoes-de-saude-das-aves-no-sbsaterms of health, environment, and management. These challenges can favor the emergence of diseases, including those affecting the respiratory system, which economically compromise the system as a whole. The respiratory tract is one of the main entry points for opportunistic pathogens, increasing the risk of secondary infections. Challenging scenarios are very similar within poultry production sectors, and we can cite several situations that increase the risk of respiratory problems:

  • Vaccine management and post-vaccination reactions;
  • Weighing, transfers, and batch selection;
  • Low effectiveness of environmental control;
  • Low-quality bedding for poultry;
  • High concentrations of harmful gases in poultry houses;
  • Thermal stress (heat and cold).

Such stressful situations elevate corticosterone concentration, responsible for compromising homeostasis capacity, leading to nutrient and energy diversion, resulting in decreased performance and, in more severe cases, increased mortality(Figure 1).

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Nuproxa international 07-2023
lallemandanimalnutrition eng

Figure 1: Physiological Effects of Stress on Poultry.

As a preventive support for these challenging situations that pose respiratory challenges, Biochem offers BronchoVest – a blend of high-quality essential oils with concentrated active ingredients. BronchoVest is composed of eucalyptus oil, mint, and menthol crystals, which have a synergistic effect focused on supporting bird respiratory system health. BronchoVest promotes the following beneficial effects:

  • Reduces the effects of respiratory disorders;
  • Reduces the negative effects of thermal stress: mortality reduction;
  • Balances poultry water consumption;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Improves and normalizes vaccine titration (e.g., vaccines against infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease);
  • Reduces post-vaccination reactions;
  • Reduces excessive mucus production;
  • Mucolytic and expectorant effect;
  • Bronchodilator effect;
  • Facilitates breathing, promotes respiratory relief, and enhances overall well-being for the animals.

In vivo Trial – Broilers

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the effects of BronchoVest on the respiratory system of broilers. For this purpose, the product was administered between days 1-5, 16-20, and 23-27 at a dose of 200 ml per 1000 liters of drinking water (T2, T4) or 200 ml in 10 liters of water, sprayed 4 times a day (T3, T5). All groups were vaccinated against Newcastle disease on day 15. On day 22, 0.5 ml of a solution containing E. coli (108 CFU/ml) was intratracheally inoculated into groups T1, T4, and T5.

The clinical symptoms of the animals were evaluated per pen, 4 times a day, up to 7 days after infection. The following respiratory symptoms were evaluated: head swelling, rhinorrhea, sneezing, cough, and dyspnea. Each symptom was scored on a scale of 0 (absence of symptoms) to 3 (severe symptoms).

The E. coli inoculation challenge did not result in severe cases of the disease. However, irritation of the lower respiratory tract causing moderate clinical symptoms was observed.

The results of this study demonstrated the synergistic effect of BronchoVest essential oils as a suitable alternative for animals experiencing mild to moderate respiratory symptoms and could be a useful tool in preventing symptom progression. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titers increased after vaccination in groups sprayed with BronchoVest. The trial results demonstrated that the combination of BronchoVest ingredients helps increase vaccination titers against Newcastle disease.

BronchoVest has a 100% safe water-based formulation, allowing easy application due to its excellent solubility in different water temperatures, besides having no residual effect and not causing irritation to the skin and mucous membranes of the animals. Discover the key to success in preventing problems caused by respiratory difficulties and thermal stress. Invest in intelligent prevention with BronchoVest and ensure the well-being of your production system!


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