Upcoming special issue: Indirect effects of hunting

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Submitted by editor on 4 October 2023.

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Photo by Sebastian Schwegmann.

Indirect effects of hunting on Wildlife

Editors: Luca Corlatti and Simone Ciuti


Wildlifers have long overlooked the indirect consequences of hunting. Lately, mounting evidence reveals how hunting can significantly modify wildlife behavior, social structures, habitat associations, and even the evolutionary trajectories of targeted populations. This is also relevent for management: For instance, hunted populations exhibit increased vulnerability to disturbances from tourists and outdoor recreation.

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This special issue aims to raise awareness about the indirect impacts of hunting on wildlife and invites research articles, short communications, reviews, methods, or viewpoint pieces that explore this subject across a spectrum of contexts, spanning from theoretical considerations to practical applications.

Questions? Email me [at] wildlifebiology [dot] org

Submissions open 1 January 2024

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