URGENT THREAT: Agriculture Committee Divided, But Ag Gag Bill Passes

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Shockingly, a dangerous federal ag gag bill was just approved by the House of Commons Agriculture Committee at a deeply divided committee meeting. 

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Bill C-275 claims to be aimed at preventing disease on farms, but don’t be fooled—this dangerous bill targets animal advocates who expose animal cruelty through undercover investigations. Steep penalties include massive fines and even jail time.

Animal Justice and other animal protection organizations testified at the Committee to oppose the bill, and point out how it would undermine transparency by covering up animal abuse and suffering—which runs rampant on Canadian farms. 

Several Members of Parliament tried to amend the bill to ensure it is not unconstitutional, and ensure it doesn’t target whistleblowers. But despite the strong efforts of NDP MP Alistair MacGregor, and Liberal MPs Leah Taylor Roy and Ben Carr, other MPs on the committee blocked those amendments. Bill C-275 passed virtually unchanged, in its dangerous current form.

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The meat, dairy, and egg lobbies have been lobbying for ag gag laws nationwide to shut down videos and photos from farms. They know that when consumers learn the truth about the rampant animal cruelty on farms, Big Meat risks losing profits. Animal Justice has been fighting ag gag laws, and we won’t back down.

The only hope now is for MPs to vote against the bill when it comes up for a final vote in the House of Commons. Please take action immediately—tell MPs to vote down this dangerous bill before it’s too late!

Banner Image: Gabriela Penela | We Animals Media

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