Animal Equality has joined the Open Wing Alliance in launching a campaign against Kewpie, a Japanese company known for its mayonnaise. This alliance, consisting of nearly 100 animal protection groups, is calling on Kewpie to transition away from cages for hens in its global supply chain.
While Kewpie has already committed to reducing cages in its European and U.S. supply chains, the campaign could extend its commitment across all markets. This includes China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, and Vietnam.
Members of this global alliance have united to share customized websites, videos, and petitions for the campaign. This widespread support underscores a shared belief that all animals should be treated with compassion—regardless of geography.
Global advocates demand accountability
The campaign calls for Kewpie Corporation to:
- Publish a commitment: Announce a timeline to completely eliminate cages for all egg products. This would apply to companies owned by Kewpie around the world.
- Ensure transparency: Commit to publicly reporting progress annually.
The Open Wing Alliance has already secured similar commitments from global companies such as Jollibee Food Corporations, Yum! Brands, Toridoll, Unilever, Brinker International, Panda Express, GoTo Foods, Compass Group, and Famous Brands.
Cages for hens cause global controversy
According to its website, Kewpie “recognizes that the animal welfare of laying hens is one of the most important issues for the sustainable production and procurement of chicken eggs…” The corporation has even pledged support for the “five freedoms”–the idea that all animals should be free from fear, distress, physical discomfort, pain, injury, and disease, amongst other cruelties.
Despite these promising claims, Animal Equality’s global investigations have repeatedly shown that hens held in cages suffer from all of the above. These hens are unable to spread their wings, surrounded by ammonia and feces while trampling their dead cagemates. Many suffer from blood- and pus-filled injuries, while others struggle as their limbs become trapped in the cages.

Promisingly, however, advocates around the world have stepped in to take action for hens. You can join them today by:
- Visit Kewpie’s Instagram and comment on their most recent post
- Use one of the sample comments below as inspiration for an original comment
- Feel free to add hashtags like #KewpieCruelty #bancages #cagefree
Sample comments:
- I appreciate that you are cage-free in the US, but why not everywhere?
- Thank you for recognizing that banning cages for hens in the US is the right thing to do! Now please do this in your entire supply chain.
- Does Kewpie have plans to extend its cage-free policy globally?
- Hens are so sweet and do not deserve life inside a cage. Please listen to the public and eliminate the use of cages in your global supply chain.
- Hi! I’d also like to know about future bans on cages for animals please. 🙂

With rich emotional lives and unbreakable family bonds, farmed animals deserve to be protected.
You can build a kinder world by replacing animal food products with plant‑based ones.